Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekend Warriors

I found this fabulous article on weekend warriors.  What is a weekend warrior you ask?  Well it is those people, that feel they have no time during the week to work out, so they cram in as much physical activity as they possibly can to the weekends.  Now working out only on the weekends is better than nothing!  So if you are one of those people who work 10 plus hours a day or have long commutes, this may work for you.  But why not also try doing an extra 30-50 mins a week of working out. It can be broken up to 10 mins a day.  One of my fave quick 5 to 10 min work outs is below.  I love this because even if you are super busy, you can find at least 5 or 10  mins to do this.  You just need to get that heart rate up and your body moving. 

You can do only a 5 mins portion or do the whole 10 mins

20 seconds burpees (with the jump)
10 secs rest
20 seconds mountain climbers
10 sec rest
20 seconds high knees
10 sec rest
20 second jumping jacks
10 second rest
20 seconds burpees (with the jump)
10 secs rest
20 seconds mountain climbers
10 sec rest
20 seconds high knees
10 sec rest
20 second jumping jacks
10 second rest
20 seconds push ups with left leg up
10 sec rest
20 seconds push ups with right leg up

20 seconds burpees (with the jump)
10 secs rest
20 seconds mountain climbers
10 sec rest
20 seconds high knees
10 sec rest
20 second jumping jacks
10 second rest
20 seconds burpees (with the jump)
10 secs rest
20 seconds mountain climbers
10 sec rest
20 seconds high knees
10 sec rest
20 second jumping jacks
10 second rest
20 seconds right plank
10 sec rest
20 seconds left plank

Done! you just burned like 200 calories good for you :)

Article for your reading pleasure:

Have a very fit day!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Making exercise a habit

When you first start working out.  You have two thoughts:  You are either really excited at the possibilities of a new body or you dread it from day one.   First you should find our what motivates you.  Make sure the motivation is for YOU and not for someone else.  You have to want this.  You have to do the work. You have to make this a habit.  Find things that are fun.  Running is not fun for most people and quite frankly it is hard to get out the door even for experienced runners.  Also do not start with videos like Jullian Micheal's.  She is FABULOUS for those who have been working out awhile, but for beginners she is a total de-motivator (at least for me she was.  very very hard in the beginning).  But exercise videos and really any home work out can be great and easily made into a habit.  Especially if you do it first thing in the morning.  I am not a morning person, but i drag my butt out of bed every day at 5:30.  Why? Because it is the only time of the day that is consistent in my life.  I know that I can always set my alarm an hour/hour and a half  earlier in order to fit in a work out.  I cannot control after work or any other time of the day. There is always something that can pop up that needs your attention or makes you decide to forgo that work out.  So if it is working out at the gym, attending a morning boot camp or working out at home. Do it in the morning.. so that it becomes a habit.  21 days is all you need for your mind and body to expect to work out in the morning.  Now without a work out I feel odd. My body and mind crave them.

Ways to keep motivated and keep this habit up
1.  Keep switching up your activities.  Do spin class one day, and kickboxing the next.  Find things that are fun for you and that make you want to do them, even if they kick your bootie.

2. Exercise with a  friend if you need extra motivation.  The fear that you will let them down will keep you on a routine.

3. Make exercise a priority in your life.  Do not let it fall to the wayside.  Make a commitment to yourself and keep that commitment.

4. Exercise even if you are tired, sick, had a long day, did not go to bed early enough, whatever your excuse, suck it up and work out. See #3

5.  Exercise in the morning and if you really really really really just cannot do that, then I have two suggestions.  A. Try to do it in the morning, but have an evening work out planned, right after work in case you over slept (this is what I did until I finally got used to getting up in the mornings)  or B. just work out after work, and do not let anything else interfere (more difficult and takes a lot more determination and will power)

6. Keep a journal or log of all activity.  Log cleaning the house, your exercise routine, yard work, etc.  By keeping track you are accountable to you.

7. Do not look at the scale, but look at your other indicators.  Your clothes are fitting a little less tight.  You can get into your skinny jeans and they are loose.  Weight on the scale will come off, but not for the first few months, and not if you do not decrease your calorie intake as well as work out. It is a fine balance and one a lot of people have issues with.

8. Go for a walk.  walk with friends, a dog, to dinner.  Just keep your body moving

9.  Do not just sit in front of the tv.  Work out while your favorite show is on.  Get on that treadmill or bike while you watch.  Do squats and lunges and other calisthenics  during commercials.

10. Reward yourself.   Do not gorge on food as that is counter productive, but reward yourself in other ways.  Buy a new running shoes or a new swimsuit when you hit a goal or can work out for 30 days in a row.  Treat yourself to a massage or pedicure. Buy a new work out video.  Does not matter what it is, as long as it helps you with your goal.

Making exercise a habit is never easy.  If you can find what motivates you and can keep it up, you are on your way to a new improved healthy lifestyle that you can keep up for a lifetime.   Good luck!

Have a  very fit day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Even Paula Deen Can Lose Weight!

Now, if you are from the south, you know who Paula Deen is.  Her recipes are some of the most delicious, filling, comforting, fattening food you can eat.  OH SO YUMMY!  Butter, butter and more butter, with a little fried goodness is how she makes most of her recipes so freaking delicious.  I love her food, in small amounts.  If you eat like this every day you will gain a butt load of weight, and really we are not looking to gain weight right?

So Paula Deen after eating a lifetime of fattening yummy food, was diagnosed with Diabetes.  She was forced into looking at her diet and make some changes.

So she did.  So far she has lost 30 lbs.  She did it by changing her views on food, making healther choices and exercise. She went back to basics.. and you can too.  Just takes a little bit of work, and changing the way you look at food.

Some articles on how she did lost her 30 lbs.,,20607259,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&

Hope this inspires you to become the best you, that you can be!

Have a very fit day!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fitness while raining

So if you are anywhere near Florida, you know there is a Tropical Storm that has brought a plethora of rain. It’s raining, non stop. Some areas, are under water so badly you cannot leave the house. Rain can put a damper on your mood and also make you more lethargic and not feeling the whole working out thing. At least that was me this morning, when I dragged myself out of bed, late, but still managed to work out. I would have much rather-ed to stay sleeping. But, in the end, I got my lazy butt up and worked out. I felt so much better and refreshed afterwards, then made it to work on time.

I know for me, running in the rain or even going to the gym might not sound fun at all.

So here are a couple of alternatives to think about:

- On Demand- a lot of cable outlets now have “Fitness TV”. It is usually located under the sports section (Comcast has it under Sports and Fitness. There are TONS of different varieties of workout programs. Plus, you can target just the lower body or core, depending on how you feel. And choose the length of your workout. 10mins - 60 mins. I love the kickboxing. Super fun!
- Pull out the workout equipment that you have been using as a towel/clothes rack. I love my exercise bike. I can watch my favorite show and get a good work out in. if you have a stability ball and weights, those are very useful on rainy days. Put on your favorite show (I try for the 45-60 mins shows) and watch away, the next thing you know your work out is done.
- Stretch... do yoga.. stretching has amazing benefits. The cold can make you stiff. So take some time while watching TV or a movie and stretch those muscles.

  - Rent a workout video (online or from the library) or download one from the internet, Netflix or hulu.
  The above ideas can be used not only on rainy days, but whenever you are short on time or just want to do something quick and not leave the comfort of your house. Most of these ideas are FREE! So stop making excuses and work out already!
Have a very fit day!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Paleo Diet

Okay so I do not believe it diets, but this is an entire lifestyle change.  Which is what this diet is. It is a lifestyle change that brings us back to basics of a diet that the human race used to eat when we were hunters and gatherers.  It basically cuts our every processed food, which is not so easy.  But if you can do it, then you no longer have to count calories, as you will not need too.   Most of your calories come from processed foods and grains, because hello back in cave man times there were no grains, as humans did not stay in the same place long enough to grow grains. Then there is cutting out dairy.. as no other mammal drinks milk past the infant years and NONE drink cows milk.   So you are thinking, what do you eat, if we cut out the grains, almost all processed foods, and dairy?  Well you’re left with only things that occur naturally:

Meat - GRASS-FED, not grain-fed. Grain causes the same problem in animals as they do in humans.
Fowl - Chicken, duck, hen, turkey…things with wings that (try to) fly.
Fish - Wild fish, as mercury and other toxins can be an issue in farmed fish
Eggs - Look for Omega-3 enriched eggs.
Vegetables - As long as they’re not deep-fried, eat as many as you want.
Oils - Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – think natural.
Fruits - Have natural sugar, and can be higher in calories, so limit if you’re trying to lose weight.
Nuts - High in calories, so they’re good for a snack, but don’t eat bags and bags of them.
Tubers - Sweet potatoes and yams.  Higher in calories and carbs, so these are good for right after a workout to replenish your glycogen levels.

Sample meal: Steak or fish with asparagus and sweet potato fries, grilled chicken salad, massive omelets that will fill you up for the whole morning, apples dipped in almond butter (my favorite snack ever), and so on. Pick any of the things from that list, and eat as much as you want of them (with the noted exceptions). You’ll feel better and be healthier.

There is nothing else to follow.. You eat when you are hungry, do not eat when you are not (so you stress eaters need to pay attention to your body).  But realy it is getting back to basics. 

I am good with counting calories, but a lot of you out there are not and this may work for you. It does not fit my lifestyle as I am a pescatarian, but I do try to follow this as much as possible.  My downfall is I love bread. But if you can give up bread so that you do not have to count calories, than this lifestyle change and diet is for you.

Good luck and have a very fit day!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to get skinny

Great article with great tips on how to get skinny.. enjoy

Have a very fit day!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Doughnuts or Bagels?

So my office has this continual debate, which is healthier option for breakfast, the doughnut or bagels?  Now both are not good for you but most people lean towards bagels.  But really that is not the best option as well.

Read this article for more info:

So moral of today's blog is eat some eggs and fruit, that really is your best option for breakfast!

Have a very fit day!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Track food

I do not care how much you work out. If you do not track your food and just eat whatever, you WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT!

I laugh every time someone tells me that they are working out but not losing weight, and when i ask them about their food intake they say, " well I am eating more"  NO NO NO.. if you do not change what goes into your body how do you expect to change your body?

You can lose weight without working out, by watching what you eat.  You will not tone up, but you will lose fat.

Moral of today is, work out and watch what you eat and you will lose weight!

Have a very fit day!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Do not give up

Today I had my day made by our fed ex guy.  I used to see him on a weekly basis, but now I sit in a corner (no one puts baby in a corner) so he no longer sees me regularly.  So today I open the door and his face lit up and he motions at me pointing his finger from my head to my toes and back.. "Wow Jamie,.. you look AMAZING!!  How much weight have you lost?"  I replied I am down from 175 to 131.  He said "well you  match what has already been in your head and what you knew, you are beautiful and look amazing!"

He made my day.   Now he has seen me over the past 2 years, as my weight slowly has come off, but over the past 6 months or so, the toning I have done has made me look even slimmer.  I look what my weight is now.  I have muscles, but I am slender. My BMI is around 21 and my weight is PERFECT for my body size and height.  I am in a really good place and it feels amazing that others are noticing.

I could have given up several multiple times through out the past 2 years. I kept reminding myself, "The weight did not happen over night, so neither will the loss of it."  I think too many people, forgot that.  They work out for a month and quit because the weight does not magically fall off as quickly as the like, or they gain, because they are gaining muscle.  I went through that too. I gained before I lost.  Is it frustrating?  HELL YES!  But again you did not gain over night.  Losing weight is a delicate balance between working out and food consumption.  It is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix or diet. I never once said I was dieting.  I made a lifestyle change.  I changed the way I looked at food and working out. I stopped looking for easy quick fixes and started working hard for what I wanted.  I succeeded and would love to help you succeed as well.   There were so many days that I wanted to quit.  The work outs were hard, I was sore.  Now if I do not feel a little sore I feel like I am doing something wrong. I love feeling that my muscles are being used. I love how hard they feel and how you can see them without me flexing. I look healthy and in shape.  It is an amazing feeling and I want everyone to feel that way.  I want you to always feel sexy when you put on clothes or get out of them.   If you love yourself all else falls into place no matter your size.   Some people will never be slender, but you can still be sexy and feel healthy.

So remember that your lifestyle change will be difficult; there will be obstacles, there will be days you want to quit, or eat those fries; days you just want to sleep in; days where you are so sore you think you cannot possibly walk; days that your friends will talk you into being bad; and days where you overcome all of that and become the person you always knew you could be.  Nothing worth anything ever comes easy.   So push through those negative thoughts and become that person you can be!  If you need extra motivation, email, call  or text me.  I am happy to help you reach your fitness goals!
A friend sent me this today..enjoy:

No excuses:

Have a very fit day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A little exercise goes a long way!

Totally giving a shout out to my Friend Jen!  She is starting to exercise and has the right attitude.. a little goes a long way.  Check out her blogpost

Have a very fit day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

10 pound slim down

I am all about not reinventing the wheel. This girl is AMAZING!  You can get her dvd's or her webcasts and you can get a 7 day free preview. For awhile you could get these free on comcasts ondemand feature or through exercisetv.  She was the one go to person I would go to for my work outs. She keeps you energized and motivated without screaming at you.

So if you need some new routines, definitely check out Chris Freytag!

Have a very fit day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Low calorie/carb beers

Okay I stick to my " alcohol is not good for work outs"  but some of you have asked me, which beers are the best to drink if you MUST drink

So here is a link for you to the top 15 bikini friendly beers

Enjoy and have a very fit day!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National running day

Today is national running day. Get on those shoes and run even if it is just for a few minutes. Every little bit helps you be the best you that you can be. So today find a partner in crime to help you stay motivated and RUN!!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Jullian Micheals

Ok I have Been on vacation so please forgive my hiatus. I promise next week will get back to normal

If you are getting advanced and bored check out Jullian Micheals videos. She is fabulous and will kick your butt!!! She is not for beginners unless you area masochist. Check her out and enjoy the sweat you will have!

Have a very fit day!