Monday, March 31, 2014

30 day Yoga Challenge starts April 1st!

This yoga challenge, is in your court.  Starting April 1st!

Each day choose 2 yoga poses on the image and complete them for 30 seconds. If you need to do two sides (aka #1, 3, and 16) do 30 seconds each side. Any you are not sure about, google for more instruction to make sure you are doing them correctly.  These should be done on top of your normal exercise routine.

Comment daily on: which two you completed (numbers only works, as these real names are hard :D)

Enjoy the stretch!

Have a very fit day!

21 day fix total body Cardio review

My review on YouTube:

This was a great work out that kept your heart pumping and muscles working. Weights were in the first 3 rounds and round for was all abs and obliques.  A warm up at the beginning and a nice stretch at the end.

Each round has two excersicses  that you did for a minute each with a rest then repeat. Just when you think you cannot do anymore you are done and off to the next!   

I feel great and am ready for my day! Great work out 

Check me out at Beachbody or facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

21 day fix. Yoga fix review

Yoga fix was an amazing stretch and great for a yogi or a beginner.  Lots of great moves that stretch you without making you ready to quit. It moved along quickly to keep my attention and was over before I knew it (30 mins).  I am looking forward to next Sunday to do this again and I'm not one who loves yoga but I do love what it does for my body!  This yoga work out will be one I will use in other work out programs to get a good stretch. I was very impressed!

My review on YouTube:

Check me out at Beachbody or facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

21 day fix dirty 30 review

This work out was great. Always had weights in your hands except the last work out. 4 rounds, 8 excersicse for a minute each then repeating. Great sweat great muscle burn and finished before I realized it!  And a modifier!  Loving this. 21 day fix!

Here's my video review: 
Check me out at Beachbody or facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Friday, March 28, 2014

21 day Fix Plyo Fix Review

I just got in the 21 day fix. It is not just work outs but also has a food guide along with helpful containers to help you with portion control. Even gives you sample foods to eat with each container and tells you how many times you need to eat.

Today I did the Plyo Fix. 6 rounds of exercises and 30 mins long!  Wow was it a work out. It was as intense as Insanity Plyo. You have a 2:30 min warm up that includes stretching, then you move right into the work out.

These rounds may be out of order, it is all a blur now and when I Did the video I totally left off lunges..oops)
Round 1: Squat jumps for 30 seconds, 30 sec. rest, one legged squat jumps 30 secs, 30 sec rest repeat
Round 2: Tuck jumps 30 secs, 30 sec rest, frog jumps 30 sec, 30 sec rest, repeat
Round 3: Burpee with a pushup 30 secs; 30 sec rest; plyo push up 30 secs; 30 sec rest, repeat
Round 4: Ski jumps 30 secs; 30 sec rest, skaters 30 secs; 30 sec rest repeat
Round 5:  lunge jumps 30 secs; 30 sec rest; lunge jump with a twist 30 secs; 30 sec rest repeat (I forgot this in the video.. must have blocked them out as OW my legs hurt)
Round 6: Plank jumps 30 secl 30 sec rest; sumo squat jumps 30 secs, 30 sec rest, repeat

Cool down and stretch!

Also there is a modifier so even if you are a beginner or need a low impact option you have it with this video!

It was an intense work out, and I apparently did block some of it out, as my legs are like noodles right now!

Excited though because as much as I love T25 my body has gotten used to it and this definitely pushed my body to its limits. Great great work out!

Here is my video
Check me out at Beachbody or facebook!

Have a very fit day1

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bacon work out

All you bacon lovers out there.. no excuses.. here is your bacon work out!
Have a very fit day!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pie work out for Pi day

In honor of Pi day.. here is a Pie work out

Have a very fit day!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tips on losing weight and keeping it off.

My fitness buddy at the office and I had a fun conversation today. Portions of which we have shared with friends who want to lose weight. Here are some of our "tips" from our experience.  Both of us have lost a substantial amount.  Me 45lbs pre-pregnancy and since giving birth 3 months ago I have lost 39 lbs and still losing. He has lost over 50 lbs in the past year. All from making lifestyle changes, not going on fad diets.  So we think we have a leg to stand on in helping others. Plus we love love love to help others.  If you want to lose weight and keep it off, contact me I am HAPPY to help!  Nothing feels better than being comfortable in your own skin, no matter your size.  Being healthy is truly a lifestyle change.

Tip #1: Eat more leafy green vegetables (and well vegetables in general), think kale, spinach, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli. Mix those into your meals or eat by themselves. Carrots are great for snacks, dip in some hummus for extra protein

Tip#2:  Eat the right kinds of protein. Think nuts, beans, lean meats (fish, chicken, deer), quinoa, eggs.

Tip #3: Eat good fats, think avocados, coconut oil, nuts, olive oil natural peanut butter. Avocados especially are great to eat for breakfast with some eggs or spread on an English muffin

Tip #4: Eat the right carbs: Fruit!  Fruit is sooo good for you! Yes it has sugars and carbs but they are the good kinds and your body needs carbs!  Carbs are fuel. If you love bread and pasta, limit your intake, if you have pasta, choose veggie pasta  and no bread, if bread is the only carb on the dinner menu eat a piece. If you made your bread from scratch even better! You can limit the sugar and choose what flour you use. Moderation is key with flour, but fruit, eat fruit it is GOOD for you.

Tip #5: Eat heavier for breakfast and lunch.  Have your biggest meal in the mornings or at lunch, the earlier the better. Eat light for dinner. If you have to cook a big meal, eat a small portion (think small plate not large plate) then save the rest for lunch the next day. If you are out at a restaurant ask for a to go box before your food arrives and put half (or more) in the box so you are not tempted to eat it all.

Tip #6: Water!!!!!!!!!  Drink water.. water... water.... water!  Water is good for you, soda, is not. Even diet soda is bad. If you need a carbonation fix try a La Croix. But water helps you stay hydrated (which curbs hunger), it cleans our your system and keeps you from drinking empty calories!

Tip #7: Work out!  You need at least 3 - 30 min work outs a day, but if you can get in 5 to  6 - 30 min work outs then you will make sure this becomes a habit and you are more likely to stay with your lifestyle changes. Find things that you enjoy, that work your entire body, switch it up and do not forget to include weights!  Muscle burns more fat!!!  Make a daily appt reminder to work out and don't skip it!

Tip #8: Focus on your body not the scale: I know this one is hard!  Really really hard, but focus on your body, how your clothes fit, and how you feel more so than the scale. The scale lies. Muscle weighs more than fat, so when you start gaining muscle, before you lose the fat, the scale goes up, but your clothes loosen up. If you MUST weigh yourself, then do it once a month, but measure yourself weekly (arms, legs, waist, hips).  You will love seeing more muscle around those areas that you are measuring and love seeing the measurements decrease!!

Tip #9 - Cook for yourself. Cooking at home A. burns calories while you are on the kitchen, B. you can control what goes in your foods (ie coconut oil instead of butter. less salt etc) C. Portion control.  All are important!

Tip #10 Eat the right kinds of snacks. If you are really hungry, splurge on vegetables. You can eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can stand. Eating those, you  will fill up with the much needed nutrients your body needs,  and all the food is used. It will not store into fat if you overeat vegetables. The opposite of how meat/bread/sweets reacts when you overeat on those items.  Plus you will not feel sluggish and will have more energy to work out :D

Hope these tips help you become a better version of you.  If you have questions or need motivation please
contact me: jlaster22@gmail.com, or
I am happy to help you reach your fitness goals!

Have a very fit day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Insanity vs T25

In the past week and today as well,  I have been asked about a comparison with T25 and Insanity, which made me realize I never did one on this blog. I have a comparison on Insanity vs Les Mills Combat, and reviews on T25 but no comparison of T25 and Insanity . So let me do that for you guys, because well you are worth it!

First, I love Shaun T. He motivates me even when I want to scream at the TV (and yes sometimes I do and its not a pretty site at all).  He is fun, upbeat, and pushes you to dig deep and nail it, at the exact moment you want to give up, so you really cannot go wrong with either program. Both will get you results. The approach is just different with each program.   Which you choose,  depends on you.


Insanity  to me, is way more intense than T25. I am drenched after an Insanity work out and most days am not sure I can finish the work out. It is super intense. Insanity is broken up into 2 months with a "recovery week" in between.   It is 6 days a week, one of the days is a high intense yoga/stretch work out.  The videos run from 40 mins to around an hour and 20 depending on the day and month you are in. There is a fitness test every 2 weeks, which you do on top of your work out for the day. It is a great test of where you are fitness wise. I love seeing how much better I do each test.  The first week of Insanity I was super sore, like could barely walk sore, hurt to sit sore, and was just as sore at the beginning of the 2nd month as well. About the time you get used to month 1 and all the push ups, and get a good grove going, you are done!  You move to the recovery week, which is a nice break for your sore muscles, but still gives you a good work out, just a little less intense, except for the killer shoulder exercises at the end.  Then, you move on to what I call "hell day" Month 2 begins and it begins with a BANG!  You do your Fit test, which is a work out in and of itself then you do the first day of Month 2 which is an hour long ! So your first day is an hour and 20 mins. YIKES!   It takes a lot of will power to get through that first day of Month 2, I literally cried the first time I did it. I was sore, out of breath, and I can remember when it was over I could barely move. Now you know that is an amazing work out, but wow, it takes a lot of will power to get through something like that at home.  Plus there is  no modifier, which doesn't mean you cannot modify, you just don't have anyone to follow. If you are a beginner to working out, or working out at that intensity, then it is a little overwhelming.  With  almost all the Insanity work outs, there is a warm up,  then stretch,  then work out, then stretch again in most videos. I love love love the stretching. I think it helps your muscles not be so sore from all the work they do in these videos. And you will work, and come away with an amazing body using no weights. The results you get especially during the 2nd month, makes it all worth it. No pain no gain right?  There are those of us who have done this program multiple times. I usually take a break and do a different program then come back to this one, as there is no way I can sustain doing it over and over without a break. It is, well, INSANE!  But totally worth it for the body you get.

Focus T25

T25 is still intense but less intense  but more focused than Insanity (Insanity = Insane, Focus T25 = Focused). It does not take a lot of will power to get through a work out, as it is just 25 minutes. So about the time you want to give up, it is done! There are 3 phases, Alpha, Beta and Gamma.   Alpha and Beta come together, Gamma is purchased separately. In all videos there is someone doing modifications, so if you are unable to do the jumping, or say push ups, you can see what they do instead. It doesn't matter if you do the modifications, as long as you do not STOP moving. This program is designed for beginner up to advanced. If you cannot do the modified push ups, then do wall pushups. Just keep doing what you can, until you are able to do it all.

The Alpha and Beta phases are 30 minutes Sunday through Thurs. Friday  is 30 min videos (some people do the 2nd video on Saturday if there is a time restraint on Friday since Saturday is your free day).   The videos go right into the work out, there is no warm up and  no first stretch. You gradually warm your body up in the video and about the time you think you can't do anymore it's over,  25 mins time is done. Once the work out is over, you get to  stretch for 3ish minutes. I personally stretch longer, as I don't think the stretch is long enough, especially for beginners. My suggestion is to stretch longer than what Shaun T does so that you are not sore.   Alpha phase gets you ready for the Beta phase while focusing on the lower body and cardio. Beta phase steps it up a notch, but moves on to continuing cardio, while incorporating more core and upper body.  After Beta, comes Gamma, which you have to purchase separately but is TOTALLY worth it. It is my fave phase. Gamma phase is 30 minutes a day,  6 days a week and most days you have weights in your hands (which I LOVE).
Gamma is strength and endurance and definitely steps it up another notch and loses most of the lower body really focusing on cardio and upper body.  I did a review of all the T25 work outs:   and even did video posts on some of these, so you can see me post workout, when I am a sweaty mess, giving you a run down.


Both are excellent programs.  The results come with both are about the same. I think T25 scares people less. More people seem to like and finish T25 vs Insanity. Both are excellent all body work outs. With T25 I like the addition of  weights and the fact it is a really good work out that  is done in 30 minutes.  I personally love Insanity as it is all body weight and cardio that shapes your body,  but find it harder to fit in the work outs with a busy schedule, where I can always get in 30 minutes a day even if it is after the babe has gone to sleep, on my lunch hour or before everyone wakes. I have no excuse not to work out with T25 where Insanity, I may not always be able to do a work out especially in the 2nd month if I have time restraints or wake up late.   Both programs help you drop pounds and shape your body in a few months time.  The one you chose  really comes down to  will power and which fits yours lifestyle better.

Hope this review helps  if not contact me if you have / /
I am happy to answer any questions!

Have a very fit day!