Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Piyo - Lower Body ( and a little Fundamentals)

I started Piyo yesterday, with Fundamentals. Which was a great review of moves.  Chalene went through most of the moves she will be using in the Piyo work outs to make sure you know how to do them correctly. How great is that???  I love that she wants to make sure you know how to do things properly, so A. you get the most of her work outs and B. you do not hurt yourself doing it wrong.   It was 40 mins and really really slow, but was good to see the moves, even if I knew most of them!

So today was really the beginning. And it was a really good beginning. Today's work out was Define: Lower Body. It was less than 30 mins but when I ended and even now an hour later I can still feel the muscles that were worked (and not just lower body muscles). It was very intense yoga work out essentially. Lots of warrior poses, downward dog, half moon, things like that. Mine was taken up a notch, as my 8 month old used me to pull up as I was in plank and downward dog positions.  Good thing I like the extra challenge! The great thing is, you control how much of a stretch/workout you get. Chalene challenges you to go beyond your limits, so you get the most of of this. Boy did I go past my limits. I was shaking!  I am excited for tomorrows Upper Body work out. Everything was low impact and there is a modifier to help those who are beginners. I was happy to see I did not need to modify!  Makes me happy my core is getting back in shape after having the little one.

I definitely did not get my heart rate up but I did get a good work out and I feel stronger. I am excited to see what results I get from this program and excited to share them with you, as well!

Here is today's video review (a special appearance from the little is in there as well)

So far, I am enjoying this, though am ready for this weeks "sweat" video, as well I like cardio!

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have you tried Piyo yet?

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