Tuesday, September 18, 2012

LoziLu WOW work outs for this week :)

I do love LoziLu training materials.  Will get you ready and in shape quickly!

There's a little learning curve with the exercises & names, please visit the exercise list to watch how-to videos and maximize your results. 

Workout #1: Worth It.

Warm Up:
Slow Mountain Climbers: 1 minute
Supermans with Just the Legs: 15 reps
Wood Chop with Resistance Band: 10 reps each side
Lunge Cross Chops: 10 each side
Toe taps on Med.Ball: 1 minute

Main Set:
This will be a Tabata style workout.  For the exercise 1 (Sprints on the Spot) you will go hard for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat that pattern for the same exercise 6-8 times.  Then move on to the next exercise following the same 20 seconds hard, 10 seconds rest x 6-8 protocol.
Sprints on the Spot
Basketball Lunge to Press
Spiderman Plank
Squat Hold
Plank Row to Burpee

Cool Down: 
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
Standing Chest Stretch
Cat Stretch
Hamstring, Inner Thigh, Quad Stretch
Pretzel Stretch

Please visit the exercise list to watch the how-to videos. http://bit.ly/T1sqFl

Workout #2: Top Priority.

Warm Up: 
Repeat the warm up circuit twice.
Side Plank:  30 seconds each side
Prone Cobra:  15 reps
Bear Crawl: 30 seconds
Jump Rope or incline walk/run: 2 minutes

 You will perform 10 rounds of this circuit.  For the first round, perform 10 reps of each exercise.  For the second round, perform 9 reps of each exercise.  For the third round, perform 8 reps of each exercise.  Continue this pattern to finish the tenth round with one rep of each exercise.  Charge through all ten rounds with good form (adjusting weights and resistance as needed) as quickly as you can.
Decline Push Up to Side Crunch
Shoulder Press to Glute Extension
Pull Up (whatever progression is right for you)
Side Lunge Rotation to Single Leg Hop (all reps each side)
Tuck Jumps
Hop Scotch Arm Curl
Cool Down:
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
Standing Chest Stretch
Cat Stretch
Hamstring, Inner Thigh, Quad Stretch
Pretzel Stretch

Please visit the exercise list to watch the how-to videos. http://bit.ly/T1sqFl

Workout #3: Energy Plus.

Warm Up: 
Repeat the warm up circuit twice.
Side Plank:  30 seconds each side
Prone Cobra:  15 reps
Bear Crawl: 30 seconds
Jump Rope or incline walk/run: 2 minutes

Circuit 1: 
SUPERSET!  Repeat the two exercises in this circuit (aka: superset) 2-3 times.  Choose a weight or resistance level that will challenge you (that means you can keep good form but it is still difficult to get all reps in at that weight/resistance).
Push Up to Plank Row: 8-12 reps
Dips: 12-15 reps

Circuit 2: 
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Inverted Row: 10-12 reps
Straight Leg Lunge to Bicep Curl: 10-12 reps

Circuit 2: Circuit 3:
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Hamstring Bridge to Curl on Stability Ball:  12 reps
Single Leg Deadlift with Single Arm T's: 10 reps each leg

Circuit 4:
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
4 Squat Flip: 10 reps each
Goblet Squat: 12-15 reps

Circuit 5:
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Bent Press: 8-12 each side
Side Plank: hold 30 seconds each side

Cool Down: 
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
Standing Chest Stretch
Cat Stretch
Hamstring, Inner Thigh, Quad Stretch
Pretzel Stretch

Please visit the exercise list to watch the how-to videos.http://bit.ly/T1sqFl

Have a very fit day!

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