Monday, September 10, 2012

Mud run training work outs

Love Lozilu Traing, they send work outs each week that are really good, regardless if you are training for a mudrun or just want an all around good work out. 

There's a little learning curve with the exercises & names, please visit the exercise list to watch how-to videos and maximize your results. 

Workout #1: No Limits.  

Warm Up:
Repeat the warm up circuit twice.
Side Plank:  30 seconds each side
Prone Cobra:  15 reps
Bear Crawl: 30 seconds
Jump Rope or incline walk/run: 2 minutes

Circuit 1:
SUPERSET!  Repeat the two exercises in this circuit (aka: superset) 2-3 times.  Choose a weight or resistance level that will challenge you (that means you can keep good form but it is still difficult to get all reps in at that weight/resistance).
Walkout Push Up to Swivel: 8-12 reps
Dips: 12-15 reps
Circuit 2: 
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Inverted Row: 10-12 reps
Hop Scotch to Arm Curl: 10-12 reps
Circuit 3: 
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Hamstring Bridge to Curl on Stability Ball:  12 reps
Single Leg Deadlift with Single Arm T's: 8-10 reps each legSUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Circuit 4:
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Lunge to Jump: 8-10 reps each
Goblet Squat: 12-15 reps
Circuit 5: 
SUPERSET! (Same directions as circuit 1)
Side V-Ups with Leg Kicks: 8-12 each side
Side Plank: hold 30 seconds each side

Cool Down: 
Total Body Stretch.

Please visit the exercise list to watch the how-to videos.

Workout #2: You = Fabulously Fit.

Warm Up: 
Alternating Froggers: 45 seconds
Hip Abductions: 10 each side
Side Plank Reach Through: 10 each side
Around the World Lunge:  4 times around on each side
Jump Rope:  2 minutes

Circuit 1:
Perform 10-12 reps of each exercise.  Repeat the circuit 2-3 times.
Step Back Lunge with OH Hold (don't forget to do both sides)
Plank Row to Rotation
4 Squat Flip (4 squats & flip count as 1 rep)
Reverse Crunches
Circuit 2:
Perform 10-12 reps of each exercise.  Repeat the circuit 2-3 times.
Side Lunge Rotation to Single Leg Hop
Sumo Squat to Press (for an extra challenge alternate pressing one arm at a time)
Single Leg Deadlift with Single Arm T's
Resistance Band Standing Row
Circuit 3:
Perform 10-12 reps of each exercise.  Repeat the circuit 2-3 times.
Slow Mountain Climbers
Wood Chop with Resistance Band
Cool Down:
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds
Standing Chest Stretch
Cat Stretch
Hamstring, Inner Thigh, Quad Stretch
Pretzel Stretch

Please visit the exercise list to watch the how-to videos.

Workout #3: Strong to the End. 

Warm Up: 
Repeat the warm up circuit twice.
Side Plank:  30 seconds each side
Prone Cobra:  15 reps
Bear Crawl: 30 seconds
Jump Rope or incline walk/run: 2 minutes

Main Set: 
Complete the reps/duration or distance for each of the following exercises as quickly as possible, with good form before moving to the next exercise.
Run a mile as hard as you can (treadmill, track or on the road).
Modified Turkish Get Up: 20 total reps (10 each arm)
Side Crunch to Burpee: 25 reps
Wall Sit: 1 minute
Pull Up: 25 reps (whatever progression you are at)
Wall Sit: 1 minute
Sumo Squat to Press: 25 reps
Suitcases: 25 reps
Wall Sit: 1 minute
Run half mile as hard as you can.

Cool down: 
Total Body Stretch.

Please visit the exercise list to watch the how-to videos.

Have a very fit day!

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