Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Move your body January

Start out the new year with a bang and join us for Move Your Body January challenge with Fitness with Jamie

Doesn't matter what you do, you just have to move then track it.  By the end of the month you'll be a pro and formed a habit of loving that body for a healthier lifestyle!

Join us today!

Friday, November 14, 2014

My favorite Beachbody work out...

My favorite Beachbody work out is a very very hard question. There are a bunch that I LOVE. all for different reasons.  One of my sweet friends, asked me this question which got me to thinking about it. Once I started thinking, I was like I should write a blog post in case anyone else has this same question. But before I get into that, let me review what got me into Beachbody.

When I started my fitness journey, Comcast Ondemand videos and Couch potato to 5k were my go to work outs. I started with Couch to 5K, and then would follow it up with a Pilates or Yoga video for stretching. Then it got cold... and well running while cold, is not fun, plus it would be dark when I could go and I did not need to run alone in the dark, That would not be my smartest idea. 

Then  I found more videos, specifically, High Intensity Interval Training and Kickboxing videos. I lost so much weight that a friend of mine bought me Insanity, because he thought I would love it. OMG That was the start to my Beachbody addiction.  Yes it is an addiction. I love love love trying out new video programs and seeing what results I get with them. So, if you ask me what my favorite program is, that is hard and really if you are asking what you should try, it would probably be a very different list. I am going to run down some of my fave programs, and list out the pros and cons for them.  You can also do searches up in the search button for any of these specifically. A few I have done a very detailed review of each video. I need to go back and do the same for the others, so I will work on that for  you in the future.  For now, I will do my best to explain each without going into wayy too many details that I have in past blog posts.

Let me start with the one that started it all......

Insanity:  Insanity is well, Insane. Insanity fools you the first month into thinking it is a piece of cake, well not a piece of cake, but not INSANE, by any stretch of the imagination. Don't get me wrong, even the people on the video are dying and drenched in sweat.   You will sweat, and you will not be able to walk or pee (if you are a girl) without feeling every muscle in your body for about the first 2 weeks. I can remember moaning getting out of bed, and my husband laughing at me.  Insanity is broken up into two months.

Month 1- is around 45 mins each day. So not too bad on time. You get a really good warm up that feels like a work out, out of breath dying for around 10 mins, then you do a delicious stretch, then you go through 2 intervals that go 3 rounds each, and usually includes a "bonus" round at the end of the intervals, then you get to cool down and stretch!  Stretching is amazing. You also have a mini break in the week with one day being basically a fast paced yoga for really good stretching. You have a "fit test" every two weeks so you can see how much you have improved, and you have 1 day a week to actually rest.

Then you have a week of  the same work out every day which feels like a break compared to the first month. It is a great little break before you jump into an insane month.

Month 2 starts off with a BANG. You take your fit test, Then you do your work out, which is an hour  so by the end  of the day, its an hour and 30  minute work out. I think I was crying by the end of it. Literally tears, pouring next to the sweat. I was crying due to exhaustion, pain and just being pretty darn proud that I finished it. It was not pretty, but I did it. I finished.   Most days are 50 - 60 mins. You have a warm up that is more intense than the first months warm up, then stretch then 3 intervals of 3 rounds each, and you have your fun little bonus rounds, then cool down and stretch.

I won't lie, most people quit before the end of Month 2, it is that INSANE, but you see the most results during Month 2, My core, arms and legs were so muscular, I was the smallest I had been since high school when I played varsity volleyball. It was AMAZING! Month 2 shows you how much self motivation that you have and pushes you to limits that you never ever thought you would go past in your life!

Then if you have your bonus dvd:
 Fast and the Furious is a great 20 min smaller version of Insanity video to have on hand, in those "I am in a hurry but still want to work out days"  You get a quick warm up, quick stretch a very intense do not stop for the next 15 mins or so and then you get a quick cool down stretch.. A LOT is packed into those 20 minutes and you end dripping in sweat!!

Overall, I love this program. I love Shaun T, I love the work outs and I LOVE the results I see with this program. However, this program is not for the faint of heart, or anyone who quits when the going gets tough. You have to be really honest with yourself before buying this work out. It is hard, it works your entire body with only your body, it is a no pain no gain work out for the advanced person who wants to finish toning,

Les Mills Combat is another one of my fave programs. It is martial arts based, High Intensity Interval Training program.   Some days includes weights and 60 minutes or under depending on the day. Most days are 30 minutes. There is a modifier for you to follow if needed. It is fun, so much fun. For an added punch, if you are more advanced, you can add weighted gloves to your work out. I did this one the weekend I went into labor. It was one of my favorite work outs towards the end when I was so big, as it got my heart rate up, and enabled me to work out my arms and legs!  It is a great work out for someone beginning, or someone advanced.

21 day fix - I bought this one post par-tum and LOVED IT, 30 mins or less, which is exactly what I needed, incorporates hand weights into almost every work out, which makes me happy happy happy, High Intensity Interval Training (see a theme) and a day of Yoga and Pilates which is really really nice.  It has a modifier which is awesome for beginners, and you can make this as intense as you want it, so it is great for advanced as well!  Plus Autumn is super energetic and motivational!  This work out even comes with little cups to help you with portion control!

T25  - I bought this one while pregnant and did Alpha, Beta and Gamma phases. I LOVE this work out as well. Gamma round was perfect for the last trimester of pregnancy, because I was able to do the low impact version, yet almost every work out I had hand weights with, so I got a really good work out.

This one is  broken up into 3 phases (Alpha, Beta, Gamma).

Alpha - starts off slow, and really to me focuses on your lower body and cardio. There is Tania doing modifications, which is great for those not in shape or who haven't worked out in awhile.  I did find Alpha a little boring compared to the other phases, but I think it is just the nature as it really is getting you ready for Beta. You learn the moves, you build up to them and you really work your lower body, with all the lunges and squats and well core work.  The Speed video is my fave in this series! This schedule is a Sunday - Thurs 25 min work out, Fridays 2- 25 min work outs, Saturday, free day, measure yourself.

Beta - steps things up a notch. I feel this one, kept lower body and cardio but increased core and added upper body, including weights! LOVED this phase! It was fast, I rarely watched the clock, I gained muscle, felt strong.   Speed 2.0 and Core Speed are my two faves in this phase. This schedule is a Sunday - Thurs 25 min work out, Fridays 2- 25 min work outs, Saturday, free day, measure yourself.

Gamma - YOWZERS! This notch was stepped up a few. Speed 3.0 is no joke and probably the toughest of the work outs even though all the rest are weights.  I love that this is upper body focused. All but one video has weights, which are used pretty much the entire work outs. My arms are a little sore after this first week, but not so bad as they were when I did Insanity the first time. I definitely have noticed definition coming back in my arms, which I lost while doing TurboFire (which I love for cardio but there is no weights/body weight element, so I lost muscle).   Extreme Circuit is my fave in this phase. Definitely check out my review on this one.  This schedule  is Sunday - Friday 25 mins, Saturday is your free day, measure yourself.

This is an overall great total body work out, for those needing 30 mins or less in a day to work out. It is great for beginners, or those wanting something like Insanity but less insane and shorter amount of time.  

Piyo - I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE PIYO  I cannot say enough good things about it. I do miss my every day high intensity interval training work outs from time to time, and when I do, I pick up one of my fave videos from one of the above and do it. This one is all Pilates and Yoga based moves are is just amazing. I am stronger, I feel leaner, I have more flexibility.. this is a great over all work out. There is a modifier, though I still feel this is a little more advanced. Definitely a fun, challenging, low impact work out.

TurboFire - This one is fun, energetic, very very fast paced.  If you love to dance and love kickboxing, this is the video for you.  Doesn't matter if you have no rhythm (I look like a flailing idiot) you can still do this work out. It is long, 90 days, most videos are 45ish mins.  I would say this is more of a girl work out than boy, but I am sure there are some boys that will  love it. Chalene is awesome and makes you want to press play the next day.  I need to go back and do reviews for each videos with this one.

ChaLEAN Extreme (CLX) - is all weights and I like to do a hybrid of this one with Turbofire, so I get cardio and weights.   I need to go back and do reviews for each videos with this one also

So those are my favorite ones. Yoga Booty Ballet videos are fun too. I did the pregnancy one, which was awesome in the 3rd trimester.

If you have questions about any others, let me know and I will be happy to tell you about those as well.
Check me out at:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sample meals and inspiration to healthy eating.

Need some inspiration on healthy clean eating?  I just created this for a friend

I drink Shakeology every morning usually with a scoop of all natural peanut butter. You can do that, and pair it with some of the breakfast suggestions, or drink it alone. You can also substitute a snack for a Shakeology drink ( I like to pretend its my afternoon milkshake).

I also go to the farmers market each week to pick out which fresh fruits and veggies we will be eating that week. I take usually Sunday or Saturday night and prep (cut, chop, package etc) for the week. A good thing to do if you rush dinner, having everything ready to just dump and cook works wonders to get a home cooked meal done quickly. Also look for crock pot recipes, those are great for dinner and make great leftovers for lunch the next day. Eggs, lasagna, meatloaf in muffin tins also are quick and easy and can be heated up quickly for use throughout the week. Now that it is getting cold, I will make lots of soups, bean soup, butternut apple squash soup, veggie soup etc. Low calorie and you can freeze to eat later in the week or months ahead.  Pre-packaged salad mixes are great, and save time on cutting, chopping etc. They are also easy to grab and take into work with you.   Or make the Mason jar salads, that way you just shake and eat!

Eating healthy should be fun and not a chore.  You just have to re-prioritize the way you think about food. I love colors! I try to make my meals very very colorful. With color, is usually more healthy as well. You need lots of greens!!!

Also drink water.. water is your friend...  Here is an old post with some healthy foods listed!

Enjoy and have fun with it!

What are some of your favorite 
healthy go to meals??


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

November Challenges!

Next month we have 2 challenges!

Move Your Body November


 Plank a day

Choose a fitness level or Free style.  Beg/Advanced: hold your (low or high) plank for a minimum of the time listed for the day.   Freestyle: Try to beat your time from the day before, for the entire month.  Post and let us know how long you held to keep you accountable!
You can  switch as you go about the month.  Only you know your fitness level. If you start as a beginner but it is too easy, switch to free style or advanced.  Push yourself  to do a little more each day and you should be shaking while you do these.. it means your muscles are working.

How to Plank:
-Start off  in the pushup position.
-You can either stay here for a high plank (which is a little easier) or Lower both your forearms to the ground so that both your elbows and fists are flat to the ground for a low plank.
-Your fists/hands should be directly underneath your shoulders.
-Curl your toes under and tighten your abs by tilting your pelvis and pulling your belly button toward your spine.
-Straighten your body but keep your neck and spine neutral. Imagine you have a cup of coffee on your back.
-Squeeze your abdominals and glutes.
-Hold this position. Keep your eyes on the floor in front of you. . Your body should make a straight line no lifting your booty. Tip: The tighter you are, the easier it actually is to stay in place. Also, place your favorite magazine or e-reader on the floor to distract you.

Do one or both, we don't care as long as you participate

If you want to participate privately, please join our private group

Find me on facebook: Fitness with Jamie

The day my scale broke

My sweet child started becoming fascinated with our weight scale. Then he became strong enough to pick it up and drop it.  Until one day, it told me I weighed 68 lbs.. which is far from the truth. The day my scale broke, I had a moment of panic. How was I supposed to make sure I was staying on track with my fitness?

Then days passed, weeks passed, and now it has been a couple of months. What I have learned since that fateful day my scale broke, is, I don't need a scale to judge my fitness level.  In fact, my clothes and how I feel, tell me my fitness level. They are a wayyy better way to tell me if I am gaining or losing. While before that fateful day, my scale was going up, I was ignoring the fact, my clothes were fitting looser and looser. I have found, without relying on the scale, I am dropping sizes pretty quickly. I could see  and actually feel, my muscles and am now paying attention to that fact.

See what was happening when I was looking at the scale, was I was looking too much. I also did not take into account the muscle I was gaining, while I was steadily loosing that pesky fat. Muscle weighs more, so of course my scale would go up. But as it went up, I was frustrated. I wasn't paying attention to my body or my clothes. Now, I am not frustrated, I am motivated. I am ecstatic that I am able to see clothes getting looser and feeling/seeing my muscles, and am more willing to try that smaller size to see if it fits and 9 times out of 10 it FITS!  Though I had hit my pre-pregnancy weight at 6 months, I was not able to fit in pre-pregnancy clothes... now I am. Not all, there are a few pairs of jeans that are just a little more snug than I would care for, (but they zip)  but others fit perfectly, and some fit really loose, which really makes me happy. I no longer dread putting on clothes and, well, that is an amazing feeling. If I was still relying on my scale, I would be working out wayy more than I am and be frustrated. Now I am happy!  Happy and motivated, and that is a fabulous spot to be in.

The day my scale broke, was a freeing day. Put up your scale, If you have to, tell yourself it broke. Go a month or even two without looking at it, and instead focusing on how you feel, how your clothes fit, feel the muscles from your work outs. If you don't see changes or muscles, change up your routine. Cannot do High Intensity, that is okay, do Pilates or Yoga, they build muscles, relieve stress and over all are amazing work outs for your body. Doesn't matter what you do, as long as you listen to your body and continue on your path to being a better version of you!

Have a very fit day!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Piyo Sculpt Review

This work out was all about making your muscles BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.  About the time you think you cannot do anymore, she finally moves on to a different body part or side. I could not feel my legs at one point. At another point I thought my arms were just going to give up on me. It was crazy intense and a few hours later I can still feel the soreness in my arms. (**note: next day, arms are sore, legs are sore, not to the point that I cannot move, but I can feel the work that was done)

Great work out using your body and a chair (if needed), all in 30 minutes. Who doesn't want that in this busy world of ours!

Here is the :
Piyo Sculpt Video Review

Have you tried Piyo yet??

Beachbody Coach
Fitness with Jamie on Facebook

Friday, September 26, 2014

Piyo Hard Core Hit The Floor Review

Whew this is a total core work out. All floor work. It starts out very intense, ends with back work and a stretch. I was sweating. I am really really impressed with this program. I am not working my lungs like I normally do but wow I am still getting a great work out. I am definitely seeing changes to my body, especially my arms and mid section. Today's work out was wow! Intense but felt good and was doable.  **note I am finishing this post the next day.. wow my obliques are sore...**

33 mins of different dynamic moves that definitely help define your core area. I am so much stronger since doing PIYO, I can hold a plank for a very long time now, pretty sweet! If you are looking for an amazing core work out.. Hard Core Hit the Floor is the one for you!

Video review:Hard Core Hit the Floor Review

Thursday, September 25, 2014

October Challenges

We have TWO challenges for the month of October with Fitness with Jamie:

1. Move Your Body October: Back by popular demand, we are upping the ante this month.   We are going to move at least 1000 minutes which breaks down to roughly 33 minutes a day. So not too much more than September.

All activity counts even trick or treating with the kids!  Doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you do it! Let's move those bodies!!!!!


2. Oblique Crunch October: Try to total 2000 oblique crunches total for the month of October... that equals to 1000 each side roughly (65 total / 33 each side per day)  Not so bad right?  You can do them on the floor or standing.. whichever you choose. or spice it up and switch off each day!

Let's make some sexy waist lines this month!

Choose one or both!  We would love to have you and feel free to invite others!

Fitness with Jamie on Facebook


Piyo drench review

Wow that was INTENSE!!!   50 mins of legs, upper, core, basically every muscle in your body!  My arms are jello!!!!  Warm up slowly. Get that heart rate up wit legs. Do a little core. Do an all body flow for 13 plus mins. (Yowzers) I had to cry uncle at one point. A little plank and a Good stretch at the end! Intense intense intense! Definitely end up drenched in sweat!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Water is good

We all know water is good for us. especially if you drink it as soon as you wake up. It helps get all your organs awake and functioning properly. I do this daily, I finish whatever is left in my water next to the bed, then I drink two 32oz glasses of cold water, fill it up again and drink the rest while I work out and get ready and go to work. By the time I am at work I  have had anywhere between 4 to 5 32oz glasses of water.. that is 128oz (16 -8oz glasses) to 160oz (20 -8oz glasses). That is a lot of water if you think about it. But it sets the tone for my day and gives me a leap start in staying hydrated.

Here are 5 reasons to drink water first thing in the morning:

5 Benefits of Drinking Water In The Morning

My sweet husband found this article which I thought was a great reinforcement of what I was already doing:

Also, drinking a glass of warm water, or eating (drinking) a bowl of warm brothy soup before each meal, aids in digestion.  Some say to drink it in the morning warm instead of cold.

Moral of today's post.. water is good (cold or warm).. drink lots of it and drink lots first thing in the morning, as well as continue to do so all day long!

Why not give it a go for 2 weeks to see if you notice any changes? What do you have to lose? It is free !!!!!

How do you drink your water?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Losing weight and hoarding have similar traits

Someone mentioned to me that, they felt so overwhelmed with how to even begin to lose weight. Which made me think to all of those "Hoarders" shows that I have watched (don't judge) and how they feel overwhelmed and do not know where to begin. Hoarders do have a lot of similarities to those who want to lose weight

Some ways hoarders are like those who need to lose weight:

1. They both do not know where to begin. With hoarders, its all too overwhelming, where do they begin, which room and will it even matter?  Same with weight loss,  I remember when I was at my largest, I knew I needed to lose weight. I knew that it took me moving my body and watching what I ate, but I just could not figure out how to begin and keep it up.

2. Results do not happen over night.  Just because you start cleaning doesn't mean every thing will be spotless over night. It is a progression.  Most people when they begin a work out regimen, they want to see results NOW. They forget, that the weight did not appear over night, it isn't going away over night (same with the clutter and trash). I used to be the same way. Then I took one day at a time, the weight started to fall off, I did a little more. The more turned into more weight loss until I hit my goal! 

3. Begin and start small.  You have got to start somewhere, first step is beginning, the second is  to  start small and work your way up to more. When I started, I added in work outs first, once I started seeing weight loss, I changed my diet, once that stagnated, I changed my work outs to have more intensity. But I started SMALL. I started with back to basics. Start with what YOU can handle. What YOU will stick with. Does not matter how small, just matters that you BEGIN!

4. Food and stuff are comforting.  People do not want to have a messy house or to be over weight. Both things happen gradually, some people it happens because they find comfort in food and/or stuff. It is fun to go out to dinner with friends and it is hard to not eat. You had a bad day, or you broke up with someone, so you eat a pint of ice cream or a package of cookies, or go shopping for more clothes you do not need. You see where I am going with this. Everyone has their way of comforting with things. Me, mine used to be shopping, I finally stopped going to the mall without a list of that I needed. I still do not like to go shopping because I am so afraid I will need 5 closets again (okay not that many but I did have A LOT of clothes)

5. They quit trying. You cannot quit.  Just because you make some progress and you are almost where you want to be or where you want to be with both a clean house and weight loss goals, doesn't mean you can quit. It is a new path (both things), not a race. There is not an end to either lifestyle changes. If you do not continue to clean, work out, watch what you eat, then you end up right where you began and probably in a worse spot. DO NOT QUIT!

Do any of these ring true for you?  If yes, know you can overcome them!  Yes you can!  It takes some practice and determination, but only YOU can make the changes by doing the work. Neither clutter nor weight happens over night. Work slowly and steadily to get to your goals, then continue with new goals to maintain. Know that it is okay if you fail, you can always start back. It is truly up to you to make the changes you need to be a better version of you. I know  you can do this!

What are some ways that you made or kept  your lifestyle change?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Piyo strength interval review

Today's work out was amazing. 25 mins of High intensity intervals mixed in with strength training. All with just your body weight!  It was awesome. And the end stretch showed me how much my flexibility has improved with Piyo just in the past 3 weeks! I really really enjoyed this work out. It was the perfect mix of  cardio and strength training and boy have i missed cardio with this program. I love cardio so this video made my day and probably is one of my fave of this program!

My video review:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Exercise helps you be happy!

Exercise is one factor in having a very happy life. Good endorphins flow when you exercise, and in the words of Elle Woods "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't shoot their husbands....they just don't"

Some tips to help you exercise and not shoot a spouse or co-worker are:

  • Exercise in the morning, even if you are not a morning person. Not for any other reason other than, as the day goes on, you can always find excuses (and sometimes really good ones) for not exercising after work/school.  You have a late meeting, you have to grab the kids, traffic was bad etc. Plus you can mark it done for the day. For me, it also helps me wake up, and starts my day off right. I love love love working out in the morning, and I am not a morning person.

  • Never skip a Monday work out, and while you are at it, never skip two days in a row. Mondays set a pattern for the week, as well as if you skip 2 days then you make the excuse it is okay to skip a 3rd and next thing you know you are back to being a couch potato 50 lbs over weight. 

  • Limited time to exercise and clean yourself.. no problem,  find a way to exercise that doesn't require you to shower afterward. Weight training or walking indoors are some good ideas. 

  • Begin, even if you have to bargain with yourself that you will only do a small amount.  More than likely once your start, you will finish, but if you do not, that is okay too, 10/15 mins is better than no minutes. 

  • Think positively- I personally do not LOVE yoga, but I am doing a Yoga/Pilates hybrid (Piyo) and even though it is hard (yoga is hard don't let anyone tell you differently) I remember that I love the feeling I have after the work out and the next day. I also barter with myself that I only have to do half of it, and I always end up finishing. Think about the things you love about the work out you dread.  Hate running, think about how good the sweat feels when you are done, how accomplished you feel when you have logged in the miles. Positive thoughts go a long way!  If those do not work, bribe yourself :D

  • Make sure you get in 3 to 5  exercises a week, if you keep that up, you are more than likely to make it a habit and keep going. 

  • Make sure you have the clothes - I sleep in what I am going to work out in, (I work out at home) that way as soon as I get up I know I have to work out. If you work out at the gym, pack your bag the night before and lay it on your drivers seat, that way you remember to work out and you don't forget anything like shoes or shorts. 

  • Make exercise affordable. You do not have to pay for a gym membership, especially if you will not go. My husband used to pay for 2 gym memberships to make sure he went to at least one gym. I hate the gym, I work out to exercise videos at home in my underwear (don't judge) or I go running with my infant (with shorts on). For me I am okay paying $50-100 for a work out video that I will use for 3- 6 months then again later, as I know I will waste $10-25 paying for a gym membership that I will not use,. Where my husband, need to go to a gym to work out and the videos would be a waste of money to him. Find what works for you, and know you and do things that cost little to no money. Cable companies and Amazon have free videos, I have tons of work outs in this blog you can use which require your body and a timer. So money is no excuse!
Make exercise an integral  part of your life. Make it and yourself a priority, it will help you in all aspects of your life. You will feel better, you will have more mental clarity and you will be happier!

What is your favorite tip to ensure you exercise?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Piyo buns review

This morning was Piyo buns. It was awesome. I had a little helper who added 20 lbs to my work out as he wanted to be held or to climb on me during the while thing. Lots of different types of lunges, squats  and some plank work. Was 30 mins which is great for the busy person and I definitely got my sweat on.  I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

The first part was all standing and the last. 10 mins was floor work. I'll be sore later! Good work out!  Video review is: Piyo Buns

Have you tried Piyo yet?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Piyo Core review

Piyo core, wow, it was 30 mins of hitting every core muscle, without realizing you were. Everything was dynamic moves. Anyone with wrist injuries or back injuries probably would not be a good fit for this program. You are in varieties of plank, downward dog, and other yoga/pilates positions throughout this work out.   I felt this was a challenge, but I am not sore at the moment, in my core, my shoulders and arms are sore, but I am sure tomorrow I will feel differently. update:  I am sore 5 hours later in my core.. YIKES!

My video review is here: Piyo Core Review

I already within a week and a half, feel like I have slendered down. My body feels stronger and sleeker, like a ballet dancer. I am still feeling this is a good program for those who have already lost the weight they want, and just want to tone. I am not sure how it would be for someone who say needs to lose 50 lbs. My guess, is you would need to do the modifications and even that may still be a little difficult. You also may not see the "loss" in the time that you would want too. I know many who lose motivation without seeing results quickly, I feel like this program is a slow and steady results program.

I have also been combining the upper and lower body days, and doing both videos on those days, for an extra work out, as I need more than 2/25 mins a day.

 Once I get to the next new video I will review that as well .

Have you tried Piyo yet?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Piyo sweat review

Today I did piyo sweat and I did sweat! It was a sweat from muscles being used not sweat from cardio. It was awesome. There were tons of push-ups, squats, dynamic yoga and Pilates moves.  Lots of stretching and strength!   36ish mins that went by quick.  I will say I am sore from the past 3 days. My hips, shoulders and knees feel all I have been doing, which is huge for me as I have been doing insanity lately, and haven't been sore from insanity. So this program is definitely working muscles that need to be worked. 

My video review is here:

Next review will be next week for "core" so keep your eyes peeled for that! 

Have you tried Piyo yet?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Piyo - Define: Upper Body

Piyo Upper Body was only 20 mins, so it was over before you knew it. I almost want to double up on the Lower Body and Upper Body work out days, as it doesn't seem like enough, though I am sore from yesterdays Lower Body.

Upper Body was a lot of core, plank, push-up work.  I can totally see why it will define my upper body! Just wish it had a little cardio added. Tomorrow is Sweat so I am looking forward to the 35 mins of cardio!  I do love my cardio, but am happy with the strength training I am getting from Upper and Lower body.  I mean who doesn't want sexy arms

My video review is here 

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have you tried Piyo yet?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Piyo - Lower Body ( and a little Fundamentals)

I started Piyo yesterday, with Fundamentals. Which was a great review of moves.  Chalene went through most of the moves she will be using in the Piyo work outs to make sure you know how to do them correctly. How great is that???  I love that she wants to make sure you know how to do things properly, so A. you get the most of her work outs and B. you do not hurt yourself doing it wrong.   It was 40 mins and really really slow, but was good to see the moves, even if I knew most of them!

So today was really the beginning. And it was a really good beginning. Today's work out was Define: Lower Body. It was less than 30 mins but when I ended and even now an hour later I can still feel the muscles that were worked (and not just lower body muscles). It was very intense yoga work out essentially. Lots of warrior poses, downward dog, half moon, things like that. Mine was taken up a notch, as my 8 month old used me to pull up as I was in plank and downward dog positions.  Good thing I like the extra challenge! The great thing is, you control how much of a stretch/workout you get. Chalene challenges you to go beyond your limits, so you get the most of of this. Boy did I go past my limits. I was shaking!  I am excited for tomorrows Upper Body work out. Everything was low impact and there is a modifier to help those who are beginners. I was happy to see I did not need to modify!  Makes me happy my core is getting back in shape after having the little one.

I definitely did not get my heart rate up but I did get a good work out and I feel stronger. I am excited to see what results I get from this program and excited to share them with you, as well!

Here is today's video review (a special appearance from the little is in there as well)

So far, I am enjoying this, though am ready for this weeks "sweat" video, as well I like cardio!

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have you tried Piyo yet?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Obesity does not happen overnight

Warning this is a very very powerful video:

Rewind the Future Video

Fitness starts at home and at birth, but it is never too late to change. No matter how your parents ate, you can change your habits NOW.  No matter how you have been eating in your family and with your children, you can change your habits NOW.

YOU are in control of your life, and if you have children, YOU are in control on setting them up for their lives. It is never too late to change. Set them and yourself up with good eating habits. Choose fruit over french fries. Teach them (and if needed yourself) to cook  at home and make healthy meals. Teach them to exercise by you exercising.  Get outside, enjoy fresh air, get away from the tv, video games and computers.

Be the example you want to set for your children, nieces, nephews, friends etc. Healthy lifestyle starts with YOU. BE a GOOD EXAMPLE!  Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and processed foods.  Encourage your family to cook together and from scratch. Nothing is better than freshly made bread, sauces, etc. The flavors excite every taste bud and you get exercise while cooking, AND you feel so accomplished.


Remember, obesity does not happen over night, and you cannot loose it over night either.

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

How are some ways that you live a healthy lifestyle?

Friday, August 8, 2014

Move Your Body September

Fitness with Jamie is hosting a "Move Your Body September" event.

What does that mean?  Well it means you are trying to hit or exceed the goal of moving your body for 900 mins (15 hours) for the month of September.  Sounds like a lot?  Think of it this way, it is 30 mins a day for 30 days. See not so bad right? RIGHT!  So how do you move your body?  That my friend is up to you. You can dance, walk, run, bike, swim, kickbox, crossfit, work out video, clean the house, do the yard, go to the gym, whatever you do just move your body and get that heart pumping!  Easy right?

Log your progress on the  "Move Your Body September" event. Cheer on others and feel empowered!  Move your body to be a healthier you!

Looking forward to seeing all your comments and progress!

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

August Fitness Challenges

August Challenges You have 3 choices for challenges, yes THREE

1. Crossjab and side kick challenge:

2. 150 miles either, walk/run/bike/ellptical/swim your choice

3. Combine 1 and 2 and do both!

What will you choose?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sodas are BAD even if the marketing is good

I have seen more people drinking soda lately,  with this new coke marketing campaign.  Genius by the way, but sooo bad, as so many people are drinking more soda just to have a drink with someone aka their name on the soda bottle/can (in case you re in hiding and haven't seen these)
Tons of people are out there buying and drinking these, that normally would not. You are drinking your calories with getting no nutrients whatsoever. In fact you are getting a crap ton of sugar.  In one regular soda you are drinking 22 packets of sugar 22  that is CRAZY, You would not eat 22 packets of sugar, so why in the world are you drinking them?  You are literally pouring pounds into your body.

 "But I drink diet" well that is worse, sure you save on calories but hello you are putting Aspartame in your body. If you have never looked at the side effects of Aspartame, maybe you should. Here you go (see I won't even make you look it up):

So your "diet" soda, that you are saving calories on, is actually helping you in keeping and gaining that weight, as well as tons of other issues that if you look at the list, you may recognize in yourself.   here are 5 more dangers spelled out for you

1. Diet soda drinkers have a dramatically higher is of heart attack and stroke (that sounds fun)
2. Aspartame is linked to: High blood pressure, dizziness, fatigue, sleep disorders (and everything else mentioned in the above pic)
3. Waistlines of those who consumed diet drinks expanded 70% faster than those who didn't (hmmmmmm I think i will have water)
4. Diet soda drinkers stop associating sweetness with calories and fullness, leading to overeating, weight gain and elevated sugar levels 
5. Acid wears down your tooth enamel (battery acid is a 1 on the pH scale and cola is a 2.5) (That sounds yummy and is ALL soda, hello it can clean battery acid and a penny)

All of those sound great right?  WRONG!  So lay off your soda, if you need caffeine, grab a cup of coffee or green tea. Much better for you, (just do not over do it, 1 to 2 cups a day is ALL you need). What you do need, is water, lots and lots of H2O. Hate water taste (even though it doesn't taste) add some fruit to it (not crystal light, fruit, or lemon/lime juice). I do not have that problem, I actually crave water!  Some times I switch it up and drink coconut water (plain, no sugar added) but I love water!

Moral of today's post: Even though the soda companies are getting more clever in tricking you to drink their drinks, do not forget the harmful side effects they have. VERY VERY harmful!  It is one of the reasons Americans are so over weight. We love our sodas. I know it is hard to kick the habit but once you do, you will be much happier and healthier for it. Start with la Croix, it will give you the bubble fix you want without the bad stuff, then wean yourself from there to water!  I know you can do it. 

Who has some good tricks to kick the soda habit??

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Commitment to YOU

We live in a world full of commitments. We are committed to our families, work, friends, social obligations (church, charity organizations, leadership organizations etc.)  Sometimes the one commitment we forget about is ourselves. If we do not take care of ourselves, then how can we take care of others. Make a commitment to yourself to take time for yourself. Even if it is 15 mins before the kids wake or after the go to bed. Use that time to meditate, do yoga, do a quick work out.

A great idea is to incorporate exercise into your life, whether with friends, kids or significant other.   I do it with my little one. He plays in his bouncer while I work out, or I take him for a run in the jogging stroller.
Another idea is to cook at  home, and I know this is sometimes hard if you work late, but if you prep ahead of time, it will make cooking daily much easier. On Sunday or Saturday, make it a family event, go to a local produce/farmers market, come home, and cut up any veggies, measure things out, put things in containers, and basically have everything ready to cook. This will help with both dinner, but for lunch and even breakfast as well.

Breakfast is important, if it is hard for you to get moving in the mornings, then choose something easy, like Shakeology shake, yogurt, eggs, homemade protein bars , you could even do crockpot oatmeal or other crock pot breakfast meals so make it easy.

Next is lunch. It is easy to "forget" your lunch and eat out with co-workers. A trick I do, is either bring in leftovers from the night before, or I grab a bag of salad mix (yes I will eat the entire bag and sometimes two throughout the day) or if you have to eat out, choose somewhere that has healthy options like Panera or a local salad restaurant (we have TossGreen, check out their site, lots of yummy healthy choices). But really really try to bring things in from home.

Snacks, you can be like me and eat salad all day ( I literally eat every 2 to 3 hours) or bring in healthy snacks, those homemade protein bars, cheese, nuts, yogurt. You want something healthy and that will keep you from wanting to eat that cake that your food pushing co-worker brings in.

Next is your pantry, if you have a roommate or significant other that eats badly, this will be hard, but try to keep only healthy options in the pantry and fridge. If the bad things are not there you will not be tempted. My husband teases me that he is just helping me learn self control. I fail at this some days, but other days I win and I love those days!

With just a little bit of adjustment, you can commit to turn your life into a healthy lifestyle. Do it in small pieces, and you will be amazed at how easy it is, and how you can improve each week on your commitment to yourself!

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Before and still working on it pics

I promised you guys pics of my progress in this post

I took a pic on 2/27 when I took the "March" pic and took my "June pic" May 27th
Since "March"  
I've lost 
14 pounds 
2 inches in my arms and legs
5 inches in waist
6 inches in hips 
7 inches in bum :-)

The main work out I have been doing since my April 2nd post is 21 day Fix along with walking and running, as well as a lot more that I talk about in the June 19th post.

When I took my "before" pics, I waited 3 months to do so. At that point, I was still on maternity leave and doing the best I could to work out as much as possible. I felt like the weight would never come off.  It wasn't about the weight as much as it was about feeling like me again. My entire body had been JB's for the past year. Everything I did, was for him. To keep him safe, and full of nutrients and some times a little lot of ice cream and pizza.. mmm pizza. As much as I made sure I ate well, those two things were definitely my downfall. So fast forward to the baby, now he is here, and I want to eat much better (no little ice cream, and less pizza, I cannot give up pizza). I still wasn't comfortable in my own skin, which is why it took me so long to take my "before" pics. 

Luckily I have a very supportive husband who would constantly tell me I looked great, and assure me I would get back to myself before long and who supports me in having time to work out. This definitely helped, in me not taking short cuts or going to the extreme. Slow and steady wins the race, right?  I believe so. Short cuts, do not work for the long term, and aid in the yo yo effect, which I want nothing to do with. Anyone I have ever known who has lost weight via a short cut gains it back tenfold!  who wants that?? Not I, not I.

No matter your size or fitness level, be comfortable in your skin. Be confident in you.  You are beautiful! You are a work in progress. Every day you have the chance to make yourself who you want to be (or stay)  Every day I tell myself that. You are what you believe.  Believe in yourself!  Know you can be whoever you want, and nothing is out of reach. If you slack off, and lay in bed/couch for a day, week, month, know that you can always begin again. Now if you do not like starting back up, then don't quit. Make a daily, every other day, whatever fits your schedule, appt with yourself to work out. When eating, make that healthier choice. Once you get into the habit of ordering fruit instead of fries, you will no longer want or even crave the fries. Fries will no longer be a viable option for you. You will search the menu at a restaurant for a healthier choice, even when the fried, buttery, (insert your fave bad bad food) on the menu. Your new fave food will be a healthier item, that will be the one you crave. This doesn't happen over night, but eventually you will get there. (I promise, trust me, I never thought I would give up fries but now I get a little irritated if fruit is not an option). I look for the spinach salad on the menu now. Ps greens are good for you. Watch this "How Much Do You Eat In A Week?"  I talk about it in this post. Watch it and let us know how well you eat!  Would love to hear!

No matter where you are beginning or starting over, know that there are tons of us out there chugging along right beside you. You are never alone in your fitness journey, or healthy lifestyle!  

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How much do you eat in a week?

I want  you to watch this "How Much Do You Eat In A Week?"

Now, think about how much you eat.  Track it for a week, think about laying it out on a table. Really visualize what you eat and drink. Would you be as shocked as these people were?  Where do you think you rate in eating healthy?

I sometimes laugh at myself, because I go through easily a bag of salad a day. That is what I take to work. Then I come home and usually eat another salad for dinner. I love it, my body craves the green. Now I am not talking about a salad filled with ranch dressing, and every unhealthy item you can put on it (some days that is what my husbands salads look like sadly) If I can remember I will bring some almonds and cranberries to top it with, a few croutons because I love the crunch and a healthier salad dressing or just some balsmasic vinegar and olive oil. If I am home, I will make a fish fillet to add on top, but at the office I am limited.   For breakfast, scrambled eggs, sometimes if I feel like I need extra carbs I will make a breakfast taco. Then i start on my eating salad kick, sometimes I go through 2 bags a day. I eat about every 2 hours a small bowl (about a cup of salad). My body never feels hungry or overly full. I am quite satisfied all day. Now if I run out of salad before 3, then by the time I get home I am STARVING and that is never good. Even with all of that, I am not sure how my week would look. I am not sure if I would be one of those people who think I am a very healthy eater, and in reality am shocked at the food laid out. If I look at my food diary, I like to think I would not be so shocked. On paper, I look like I eat well. And I feel like I look like I eat well.

So try it for one week, mark down everything in your mouth. Every drink, every m & m, every thing that you put in your mouth, including water and let us know how you did!

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have a very fit day!

Friday, June 20, 2014

After Shock work out

This work out will shock your core!  Pick your fitness level for how many reps to do, and while you may hate me today, you will love me tomorrow :D or maybe next week

Have a very fit day!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Baby weight gone!

On June 12th I hit my pre-pregnancy weight 6 and a half months after giving birth!  That is a HUGE feat, considering I gained 55 lbs with my sweet bundle of energy joy. I had told myself that it took 9 months to gain, that I had 9 months to get it off, so the fact it happened sooner, made me jump up and down and shout it out!  Am I back in my pre-pregnancy clothes???? For the most part yes. Just a few pants still do not fit just right, so I know I still have some ways to go. I still have a few more months before the 9 month goal hits. I like goals, so this doesn't bother me. I am back to being comfy walking around in shorts and a sports bra, and can see my abs again  YAY For ABS!!!!!!!  I never thought I would see those defined again.

I see these women who give birth and are suddenly back in shape. I think a few things
A. they do nothing but work out,
B. they have great genes and didn't gain that much weight or
C. are totally photo-shopping their pics.
I am none of the above. I lost my weight by, not eating so much ice cream and pizza (that is hard for me, but made a little easier since the lil' seems to have a reaction to lactose in my milk, so ice cream is low on my eating list these days), and working out.

How do I work out with a wee one at home and working full time, you ask.  Well a few things.

I started the 2nd week after birth walking, then running when I felt up to it on our walks. By 5 weeks post-partum I started back doing Insanity videos as well as doing our walk/run daily. (since I was still on maternity leave and had more free time). Since I had free time (like those lucky women I mentioned above) I was able to do 4- 5 mile walks/runs daily. I would even swing by Publix and pick up groceries, since it was on our way. That got me further down but still no where near my pre-pregnancy weight by the 12 week mark.  At 12 weeks, that was a little more difficult. I was back working full time, I have a little one who hates a bottle so cluster feeds his "booby" at night. I was getting very little sleep. But I still dragged myself out of bed. and did my work out videos at home. I was doing T25 which I love love love, but then 21 day fix came out. I thought, why not try this one? so I did.. 30 mins or less a day, 7 days a week, it hits every body part you have and includes, cardio, weights, yoga and pilates!  What's not to love about all of those in one work out program? So every day I drag myself out of bed. Some mornings the little one sleeps through it, other mornings he cheers me on. Those days are awesome!  Nothing like having a cheerleader while working out. So I at least get in 30 mins a day. Then 3 days a week, I walk the little one too and from school (half mile each way). On the trip back in the mornings and back in the evenings I run. On the days that we leave early enough I get in an extra 2-5 mile walk/run in. Now that summer has hit FL, I am doing lots of swimming and will be switching to an inside bike instead of running, though will keep walking little one too and from school (he loves it and so do I since he is up in a ring sling). So that is my working out.  If you can get in 3 to 4 days of working out, 30 mins at a time, you are doing good!  Do not forget to add in weights with your cardio, weights are good!  Weights help you gain muscle that in turns burns more fat.  Now on to food, as the kitchen is really more than half your battle in losing or maintaining weight.

21 day fix comes with a meal plan and containers to help you portion control. Portion control isn't an issue for me most of the time, and at the moment since I am still breastfeeding, I cannot really cut my calories (though I am burning around an extra 500 a day from breastfeeding, so I like to think of this as my calorie cut). I chose the path of eating cleaner. As during my pregnancy I did not eat soo clean. (I blame the baby.. he is a piglet)  I went back to eating whole foods, fruits, veggies, lots of salads (not much dressing especially the fatty dressing, lots of balsamic vinegar/olive oil), making sure I eat coconut oil, avocados (good fats are really good for you and help aid in weight loss). I eat balanced, making sure I get protein in my diet (I am a pescatarian but rarely eat fish, so really have to try to make sure I eat enough beans, nuts and do my best to add in fish for protein) I also drink Shakeology every morning, which aids in getting protein and lots of veggies and fruits in my system first thing in the morning to help get my body started (eat breakfast!  its IMPORTANT!!!) and carbs. I know some people are against carbs but your body needs fuel and carbs are fuel. Also, I eat the most during the day, and eat a light dinner, sometimes I even drink  a Shakeology drink at night, loads me up with what my body needs but is light and easily digestible. My meals are small, but I eat every 2 to 3 hours, with my last meal being around 6 pm, that way it gives me time to digest before I lay down to sleep.  (I go to bed early, laugh at me if you want, I am okay with it.)  Just make sure you eat 3 hours before you go to bed, to give you time to digest your food. Water.. drink LOTS of water!  I go through SOOOOOO much water a day. It is good for you, it keeps you hydrated so you do not think you are hungry when you are really just thirsty, it flushes toxins and so much more. Water is your friend!

Lastly, do not be sad if the scale goes up, but your clothes loosen up. the scale is NOT your friend. The scale does not take into consideration your muscle mass. Get a tape measure and measure your, arms, legs, waist, hips and bum. Take measurements every 30 days as well as pics front, side and back every 30 days so that you can see your improvement.

So a recap:
Work out
Watch what  and how you eat
Drink water
Do not watch the scale.. the scale lies!

Easy right? You can do this!! You really can!!!  Believe in yourself!

As always I am here to be your cheerleader, coach, mentor, friend etc!  I want to help you, so let me!  I still have a little more defining to go, but am very pleased with my progress and would love love to have you along side me in my fitness journey. In turn I would love love love to be involved with your fitness journey. So let me help you!

Check me out at Beachbody or Facebook!

Have a very fit day!

If you want to see before/after pics, just out this post