Thursday, October 10, 2013

T25 Gamma Phase Pyramid review

T25 Gamma Phase Pyramid review

Today's work out was intense but over with before you knew it. You are so focused on keeping count, you do not even notice the time counting down. Lots of weights for upper body again. I was surprised that I was not super sore this morning and was able to do my heavier weights the entire work out. My arms are still sore 2 hours later, which seems to be par for the course in the Gamma phase. I definitely give Shaun T kudos for this round. I will post about my over all T25  experience in another post but, this round I am really enjoying since it is less cardio and more weights, since I am 8 months/35 weeks pregnant and cannot do the cardio as much as I used to be able too. I should finish this in 3 more weeks and then 2 weeks later will see the baby :D so if I can do this without modifying, you definitely can if you got thought Alpha and Beta phases!  Extreme Circuit is my fave out of the Gamma Phase with this one a close 2nd!

Have a very fit day!

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